Storm Cleanup

AG Lawn Professionals we take pride in providing an essential service for our communities and putting the safety of others first. Hurricane season runs from June to November and there’s always a probability of a tropical storm and or hurricane outside those dates. Storm cleanup is vital for the safety of our communities as well as the health of your lawn. By servicing commercial properties and home owners, we can ensure your community is safe.

The safety of our community is our number one priority, leave it to AG lawn Professionals to effectively restore your property.

The Dangers of No Storm Cleanup or Preparation

The dangers of having no storm preparation and clean up in West Palm Beach, Florida, include flooding, high winds, and property damage. Flooding can cause extensive damage to homes and businesses, as well as cause road closures and power outages. High winds can cause damage to buildings and trees, and can also lead to flying debris that can cause further damage. Property damage can include not only damage to buildings, but also damage to vehicles, personal property, and the environment. All of these can have a significant financial and emotional impact on the community.

Storm Maintenance Includes:

  • Assess damage to salvage what is left and plant any new material

  • Debris clean up on property and common areas

  • Notify property manager or home owner on any hazardous areas

  • Remove debris from sidewalks and walkways

  • Remove any debris and objections from roadway to allow vehicles to pass by

  • Trim all broken and hanging branches

  • Adjust irrigation if any flooding is present

Pre-Approval for Storm Cleanup

During a tropical storm or hurricane communication can be disrupted and many feel overwhelmed in the moment. Get a piece of mind and give us a pre-approval of your property for storm clean up. This allows for your property to be a top priority and help put yourself at ease knowing AG Lawn Professionals has your property covered. Even if you are not pre-approved give AG Lawn Professionals a call and we will gladly assist you and provide the services specifically needed for your property.

The Importance of Storm Cleanup

Storm preparation and clean up is important in West Palm Beach, Florida because the area is highly prone to hurricanes and tropical storms. Severe weather can cause significant damage, flooding, and even loss of life if proper precautions and preparations are not taken. By preparing ahead of time and cleaning up afterwards, people can ensure their safety and minimize potential damage and disruption.

At AG our response team work efficiently and safely, and are equipped for any type of storm or disaster.